Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving that harnesses the collective power of a unique blend of partners – charities, families, businesses and individuals – to encourage philanthropy and to celebrate generosity worldwide.
This year, on November 28, 2023, CVS will once again participate in Giving Tuesday. CVS has branded the day #givingCVSday to educate others about our mission and vision, and to raise funds to further our prevention, advocacy, and outreach efforts locally.
CVS has set a fundraising goal of $4,698 - which equals the number of victims and survivors CVS served in 2022.
This year, our tremendous CVS Board of Directors has offered a generous challenge – they will MATCH half of that goal, dollar for dollar, up to $2,349! Each day, CVS educators and advocates work to empower others to meet their needs for safety, healing, justice, and healthy relationships. Any contribution this #givingCVSday is appreciated and further supports our work in West Central Ohio. With your donation MATCHED, we look forward to creating an even greater impact in our community in the year ahead!
Gifts of any amount are greatly appreciated and make an immediate impact on helping local victims find safety, healing, justice, and restitution.
You can make your tax-deductible donation one of two ways:
Click here to give online with debit/credit, venmo or paypal.
Mail a check made out to:
Crime Victim Services
330 N. Elizabeth St. 2nd Floor
Lima, OH 45801